25526-Meyer, Jason

Jason Meyer, PhD

A. Donald Merritt Professor of Medical & Molecular Genetics

Adjunct Professor of Pharmacology & Toxicology

Adjunct Professor of Ophthalmology

(317) 274-1040
NB 400B
Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Link to PubMed Pubmed Logo


Dr. Meyer received his bachelor’s degree from Colgate University and his doctoral degree from the University of Missouri. He completed his postdoctoral training at the University of Wisconsin and was later promoted to the rank of assistant scientist, where he developed the foundational ability to differentiate human pluripotent stem cells into retinal neurons. He is currently an Associate Professor of Medical and Molecular Genetics at Indiana University School of Medicine and a Primary Investiagator at the Stark Neurosciences Research Institute, with adjunct appointments in Pharmacology and Toxicology, as well as Ophthalmology.  His research focuses upon the use of human pluripotent stem cells as in vitro model of neurodegeneration, including iPS cell reprogramming as well as Crispr/Cas9 gene editing. Ongoing projects in his lab explore the use of these cells for studies of neurodegeneration associated with either glaucoma or Alzheimer's disease, as well as neuron/glia interactions and how glial cells such as astrocytes and microglia mediate neurodegeneration of neurons.

Key Publications

Harkin J, Peña KH, Gomes C, Hernandez M, Lavekar SS, So K, Lentsch K, Feder EM, Morrow S, Huang KC, Tutrow KD, Morris A, Zhang C, Meyer JS (2024), A highly reproducible and efficient method for retinal organoid differentiation from human pluripotent stem cellsProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(25):e2317285121.

Screven LA, Pantazis CB, Andersh KM, Hong S, Vitale D, Lara E, Ku RY, Heutink P, Meyer JS, Faber K, Nho K, Saykin AJ, Foroud TM, Nalls MA, Blauwendraat C, Singleton A, Narayan PS (2024), Harnessing diversity to study Alzheimer's disease: A new iPSC resource from the NIH CARD and ADNINeuron, 112(5):694-697. 

Lavekar SS, Harkin J, Hernandez M, Gomes C, Patil S, Huang KC, Puntambekar SS, Lamb BT, Meyer JS (2023), Development of a three-dimensional organoid model to explore early retinal phenotypes associated with Alzheimer's disease, Scientific Reports, 13(1):13827. 

Gomes C*, VanderWall KB*, Pan Y, Lu X, Lavekar SS, Huang KC, Fligor CM, Harkin J, Zhang C, Cummins TR, Meyer JS (2022), Astrocytes modulate neurodegenerative phenotypes associated with glaucoma in OPTN(E50K) human stem cell-derived retinal ganglion cells, Stem Cell Reports, 17(7): 1636-1649.

Fligor CM, Lavekar SS, Harkin J, Shields PK, VanderWall KB, Huang KC, Gomes C, Meyer JS (2021), Extension of retinofugal projections in an assembled model of human pluripotent stem cell-derived organoids, Stem Cell Reports,
16(9): 2228-2241.

VanderWall KB, Huang KC, Pan Y, Lavekar SS, Fligor CM, Allsop AR, Lentsch KA, Dang P, Zhang C, Tseng HC, Cummins TR, Meyer JS (2020), Retinal Ganglion Cells With a Glaucoma OPTN(E50K) Mutation Exhibit Neurodegenerative Phenotypes when Derived From Three-Dimensional Retinal Organoids, Stem Cell Reports, 15(1):52-66.

VanderWall KB, Vij R, Ohlemacher SK, Sridhar A, Feder EM, Edler MC, Baucum AJ, Cummins TR, and Meyer JS (2019), Astrocytes Regulate the Development and Maturation of Retinal Ganglion Cells Derived from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells, Stem Cell Reports, 12(2):201-12.

Fligor CM, Langer KB, Sridhar A, Ren Y, Shields PK, Edler MC, Ohlemacher SK, Sluch VM, Zack DJ, Zhang C, Suter DM, and Meyer JS (2018), Three-Dimensional Retinal Organoids Facilitate the Investigation of Retinal Ganglion Cell Development, Organization, and Neurite Outgrowth from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells, Scientific Reports, 8(1):14520.

Langer KB, Ohlemacher SK, Phillips MJ, Fligor CM, Jiang P, Gamm DM, and Meyer JS (2018), Retinal Ganglion Cell Diversity and Subtype Specification from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells, Stem Cell Reports, 10(4):1282-93.

Ohlemacher SK, Sridhar A, Xiao Y, Hochstetler A, Sarfarazi M, Cummins TR, and Meyer JS (2016), Stepwise Differentiation of Retinal Ganglion Cells from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Facilitates Analysis of Glaucomatous Neurodegeneration, Stem Cells, 34(6):1553-62.

Zhong X, Gutierrez C, Xue T, Hampton C, Vergara MN, Cao LH, Peters A, Park TS, Zambidis ET, Meyer JS, Gamm DM, Yau KW, and Canto-Soler MV (2014), Generation of three-dimensional retinal tissue with functional photoreceptors from human iPSCs, Nature Comm 5:4047.

Meyer JS, Howden S, Wallace KA, Verhoeven A, Wright LS, Capowski EE, Pinilla I, Martin JM, Stewart R, Pattnaik B, Thomson JA, and Gamm DM (2011), Optic Vesicle Structures Derived from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Facilitate a Customized Approach to Retinal Disease Treatment, Stem Cells, 29(8):1206-18.

Meyer JS, Shearer RL, Capowski E, Wright LS, Wallace KA, McMillan EL, Zhang SC, and Gamm DM (2009), Modeling Early Retinal Development with Human Embryonic and Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells, Proc Natl Acad Sci,106(39): 16698-703.

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