25140-Longtin, Krista

Krista J. Longtin, PhD

Assistant Dean for Faculty Affairs and Professional Development

Associate Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology

Associate Professor, Communication Studies, School of Liberal Arts

(317) 278-2840
CA 307D
Indianapolis, IN
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Dr. Krista Longtin is an Assistant Dean for Faculty Affairs and Professional Development at the Indiana University School of Medicine, where she leads health communication training programs for IU’s over 4,000 faculty, medical students, residents, and graduate students. Krista is dually appointed as an associate professor in the departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Communication Studies. Her research focuses on communication education and faculty development in the sciences and health professions. Krista is the co-editor for the Public Library of Science’s Science Communication blog and leads a graduate minor in Communicating Science at IUPUI. She has served as a consultant on communication and education projects for national and international organizations including the Indiana State Department of Health and the European Science Media Hub.

In 2016, Krista was highlighted by the Indianapolis Business Journal as one of their Forty Under 40 young professionals to watch for her work using improvisational theater to teach physicians and scientists to communicate more effectively. Prior to earning her graduate degrees, Krista worked for Indiana Public Radio and The Weather Channel. She keeps her broadcaster voice alive by serving as the co-host of “Intersections,” a weekly public radio show where art and science meet.

Krista is not a native Hoosier, but she did the tour of Indiana schools, earning a bachelor’s degree from Ball State University, a master’s from Purdue University, and a PhD from Indiana University. An award-winning educator and researcher, Krista’s work has been published in Communication Education, Academic Medicine, and the Journal of Faculty Development

Key Publications

Dees, M. L., Carpenter, J. S., & Longtin, K. (2022). Communication between registered nurses and family members of intensive care unit patients. Critical Care Nurse42(6), 25-34. https://doi.org/10.4037/ccn2022913

Longtin, K., & Binion, K. (2021). Creating choice and building consensus: invitational rhetoric as a strategy to promote vasectomies in the United States. Rhetoric of Health & Medicine, 4(3), 367-387. https://muse.jhu.edu/article/849751/  

Hoffmann-Longtin, K., Kerr, A. M., Shaunfield, S., Koenig, C. J., Bylund, C. L., & Clayton, M. F. (2020). Fostering Interdisciplinary Boundary Spanning in Health Communication: A Call for a Paradigm Shift. Health Communication, 1-9.

Terregino, C. A., Copeland, H. L., Sarfaty, S. C., Lantz-Gefroh, V., & Hoffmann-Longtin, K. (2019). Development of an empathy and clarity rating scale to measure the effect of medical improv on end-of-first-year OCSE performance: a pilot studyMedical Education Online24(1), 1666537.

Hoffmann-Longtin, K., Rossing, J. P., & Weinstein, E. (2018). Twelve tips for using applied improvisation in medical educationMedical teacher40(4), 351-356.

Palmer, M., Hoffmann-Longtin, K., Walvoord, E., Bogdewic, S. P., & Dankoski, M. E. (2015). A competency-based approach to recruiting, developing, and giving feedback to department chairsAcademic Medicine90(4), 425-430.

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