23593-Saito, Naoyuki

Naoyuki G. Saito, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor of Clinical Radiation Oncology

535 Barnhill Drive, Suite RT 041
Indianapolis, IN 46202
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Dr. Naoyuki Saito is an Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology at the IU School of Medicine. He is certified by the American Board of Radiation in Radiation Oncology. Dr. Saito Attended the Univesrity of Alabama at Birmingham where he received his Bachelors of Science in Biology along with a second Bachelors of Science in Chemistry, graduating Summa cum Laude. He then went to the University of Pennsylvania in the Medical Scientist Training Program, a combined M.D./Ph.D. curriculum. His residency with Radiation Oncology was completed at the University of Michigan. 

Key Publications

Wang, D., Bosch, W., Roberge, D., Finkelstein, S., Petersen, I., Haddock, M., Chen, Y-L, Saito, N.G., Kirsch, D.G., Hitchock, Y.J., Wolfson, A.H., and Delaney, T.F. (2011) RTOG Sarcoma Radiation Oncologists Reach Consensus on Gross Tumor Volumen and Clinical Target Volume on Computed Tomographic Images for Preoperative Radiotherapy of Primary Soft Tissue Sarcoma of Extremity in Radiation Therapy Oncology Group Studies., International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 81(4)e525-8.

Arndt, C.D., Wang, Z., Saito, N.G., and Podgorsak, M.B. (2011) Dosimetric Calibration and Characterization for Experimental Mouse thoracic Irradiation using Orthovoltage X-rays. Radiation Research 175(6)784-9. 

Wang, Z., Saito, N., and Podgorsak,  M. (2009) A CMOS-based digital imager integrated with an orthovoltage X-ray therapy unit for guidance of precise small animal irradiation. Medical Physics 36, 2798. (abstract). 


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