23210-Rudick, Charles

Charles N. Rudick, PhD

Assistant Dean for Curriculum

Director, Phase 1

Assistant Director of Medical Education at IUSM-Bloomington

Assistant Professor of Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology

Faculty Co-Chair of the Foundational Component Committee

Statewide Course Director for Cardiovascular and Hematology

Statewide Course Director for Fundamentals of Health and Disease

(812) 855-3788
Health Sciences Building C3033
Bloomington, IN
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Dr. Rudick is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology at IU School of Medicine – Bloomington.  He also serves Assistant Dean for Medical Student Education; Phase 1 Curriculum and as the Assistant Director of Medical Education - Bloomington.  Dr. Rudick is faculty co-chair of the Foundational Component Committee of the IUSM Curriculum Council Steering Committee.  He served as the Statewide Course Director for both Fundamentals of Health and Disease and Cardiovascular & Hematology; additionally, he teaches pharmacology and physiology components in multiple Phase 1 courses. 

Dr. Rudick earned his Bachelor of Science in Biopsychology from the University of Michigan. At Northwestern University in 2005, he earned the Doctor of Philosophy in Neuroscience, followed by a Postdoctoral Research Fellowships at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in the Departments of Physiology and Urology studying pelvic pain models, pathways and treatments.

Dr. Rudick received both the Trustee Teaching Award and the Exemplar of Professionalism Award from the Indiana University School of Medicine in 2018 and the Basic Science Teaching Award-Outstanding Faculty in 2020.

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