20845-Naidu, Samisubbu

Samisubbu R. Naidu, PhD

Assistant Research Professor of Medicine

(317) 278-5086
950 West Walnut St, R2 E351

Indianapolis, IN 46202
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Dr. Naidu received PhD from University of Pune in India. He came to the United States as a Rockefeller Pre-doctoral Fellow to conduct PhD dissertation work at Washington State University, Pullman. His post-doctoral training was at University of Texas and University of Massachusetts Medical School. He joined Indiana University to start his independent research on metabolic pathways in mammalial cells.

Key Publications

Glucose-independent Acetate Metabolism Promotes Melanoma Cell Survival and Tumor Growth. Lakhter AJ, Hamilton J, Konger RL, Brustovetsky N, Broxmeyer HE, Naidu SR. J Biol Chem. 2016 Oct 14;291(42):21869-21879. Epub 2016 Aug 18. Highlighted by JBC virtual issue on Cancer: https://www.jbc.org/cancer

Lapachol inhibits glycolysis in cancer cells by targeting pyruvate kinase M2. Shankar Babu M, Mahanta S, Lakhter AJ, Hato T, Paul S, Naidu SR. PLoS One. February 2, 2018 https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0191419

Ferroxitosis: a cell death from modulation of oxidative phosphorylation and PKM2-dependent glycolysis in melanoma. Lakhter AJ, Hamilton J, Dagher PC, Mukkamala S, Hato T, Dong XC, Mayo LD, Harris RA, Shekhar A, Ivan M, Brustovetsky N, Naidu SR. Oncotarget. 2014 Dec 30;5(24):12694-703.

Chloroquine promotes apoptosis in melanoma cells by inhibiting BH3 domain-mediated PUMA degradation. Lakhter AJ, Sahu RP, Sun Y, Kaufmann WK, Androphy EJ, Travers JB, Naidu SR. J Invest Dermatol. 2013 Sep;133(9):2247-54. doi: 10.1038/jid.2013.56. Epub 2013 Jan 31. Commentary: J Invest Dermatol. 2013. 133(9): p. 2133-5

Chromatin remodeling subunit BRM and valine regulate hematopoietic stem/progenitor cell function and self-renewal via intrinsic and extrinsic effects.
Naidu SR.* Capitano M, Ropa J, Cooper S, Huang X, Broxmeyer HE.* Leukemia. Oct., 2021
 *Corresponding author. 

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