19397-Turner, Joseph

Joseph S. Turner, MD

Associate Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine

Interim Residency Program Director

(317) 880-3900
Indianapolis, IN
Link to PubMed Pubmed Logo


Joe was born and raised in Cincinnati. He completed his undergraduate degree in biology at THE Ohio State University before returning to the University of Cincinnati to get his MD. He completed his residency in emergency medicine at IU in 2011. 

Joe works as a staff physician at both Methodist Hospital and Eskenazi Hospital. In 2012 Joe was named statewide clerkship director for the Emergency Medicine Core Clerkship. In 2016 he took a position as assistant residency program director and in 2023 he was named Program Director of the IUEM Residency Program. He has won a number of awards for teaching including the Faculty Teaching Award from the residents, IUSM’s Scholar Educator Award, CDEM’s Young Educator of the Year Award, EMRA’s Excellence in Teaching Award, and ACEP's Emergency Medicine Faculty Teaching Award.

Joe's peer-reviewed publications reflect his wide academic interests including resident and medical student education, simulation, communication, and airway management. He also hosts an annual IU Emergency Medicine party known as the "Nerd Party" and founded the program's Nerd Pod.

Outside of work he enjoys playing guitar, watching football, being a beer snob, and taking Ben Hunter's money in poker.

Key Publications

  1. Turner J, Wilbur L, Kirschner J, Knopp J, Rodgers K, Cooper D. Third Year Emergency Medicine Multiple-patient Simulation. MedEdPORTAL Publications; 2014. Available from:  https://www.mededportal.org/?publication/?9948
  2. Turner J, Drew J, Mugele J, Duncan T, Blickendorf R, Cooper D. R2 Emergency Medicine Multipatient Simulation. MedEdPORTAL Publications; 2015. Available from: https://www.mededportal.org/publication/10321
  3. Kiefer C, Turner JS, Layman SM, Davis SM, Besinger BR, Humbert A. “Introducing medical students into the emergency department: the impact upon patient satisfaction” West J Emerg Med. 2015 Nov;16(6):894-8.
  4. Drew J, Turner J, Mugele J, Hasty G, Duncan T, Zaiser R, Cooper D. “Beating the Spread: Developing a simulation analog for contagious body fluids” Simul Healthc  2016 Apr;11(2):100-5
  5. Turner JS, Pettit KE, Buente BB, Humbert AJ, Perkins AJ, Kline JA. “Medical student use of communication elements and association with patient satisfaction: a prospective observational pilot study. BMC Med Educ. 2016 May 21;16(1):150.6
  6. Stevens A, Turner J, Meyer C, Soultz M, Bell L, Cooper D “Evaluation of a paramedic student patient hand-off curriculum using simulation” International Paramedic Practice 2016 6:2, 45-48
  7. Turner J, Ellender T, Okonkwo E, Stepsis T, Stevens A, Eddy C, Sembroski E, Perkins A, Cooper D. “Cross-over study of novice intubators performing endotracheal intubation in an upright versus supine position” Intern Emerg Med. 2017 Jun;12(4):513-518
  8. Saavedra H, Turner J, Cooper D. “"Use of simulation to improve the comfort of pediatric residents managing critically ill emergency department patients" Pediatr Emerg Care. 2018 Sep;34(9):633-635. doi: 10.1097/PEC.0000000000001596
  9. Pettit K, Turner J, Kindrat J, Blythe G, Hasty G, Perkins A, Ashburn-Nardo L, Milrom L, Hobgood C, Cooper D. “Effect of Socioeconomic Status Bias on Medical Student-Patient Interactions Using an Emergency Medicine Simulation” AEM Educ Train. 2017 Apr; 1(2): 126–131. doi: 10.1002/aet2.10022
  10. Mugele J, Pettit KE, Rusk DS, Turner JS, Humbert AJ. “Dr. Rodgers' Last Lessons: Reflections After the Death of a Mentor” Acad Emerg Med. 2018 Apr;25(4):461-463.
  11. Pettit KE, Turner JS, Pollard KA, Buente BB, Humbert AJ, Perkins AJ, Hobgood CD, Kline JA. “Effect of  an Educational Intervention on Medical Student Communication and Patient  Satisfaction” West J Emerg Med. 2018 May; 19(3): 585–592
  12. Humbert AJ, Pettit KE, Turner JS, Mugele J, Rodgers K. “Preparing emergency medicine residents as teachers: clinical teaching scenarios” MedEdPORTAL. 2018;14:10717. Available from: https://www.mededportal.org/publication/10717/
  13. Turner J, Litzau M, Morgan ZS, Pollard K, Cooper DD. “Failure of an Educational Intervention to Improve Consultation and Implications for Healthcare Consultation” Cureus. 2019 Feb 20;11(2):e4105. doi: 10.7759/cureus.4105
  14. Turner J, Corson-Knowles D, Besinger B, Rebman R, Hobgood C, Palmer M. “Experience introducing physician assistant students into a medical student emergency medicine clerkship” J Interprof Educ Pract 2019 Mar;14:1-5
  15. Rutz M, Turner J, Pettit K, Palmer M, Perkins A, Cooper D. “Factors that Contribute to Resident Teaching Effectiveness. Cureus 2019 Mar 21;11(3):e4290. doi:10.7759/cureus.4290
  16. Stephenson E, Poore J, Byrne BJ, Dwyer J, Ebert D, Hasty G, Schroedle K, Turner J, Cooper D. “Interprofessional Educator Development Course for Simulation” J Contin Educ Nurs. 2019 Oct 1;50(10):463-468. doi: 10.3928/00220124-20190917
  17. Cropp EM, Turner JS, Kreutz RP. “Spontaneous coronary artery dissection in a 14-year-old” Am J Emerg Med. 2013
  18. Beard B, Turner J. “Congenital leukemia presenting as fever in a neonate” J Emerg Med. 2015 Jun;48(6):e131-3
  19. Turner J, Kirschner J. “Do intravenous nitrates improve dyspnea in acute heart failure syndromes more than alternative pharmacologic interventions?” Annals Emerg Med. 2015 Jul;66(1):27-9
  20. Turner J, Cooper. “Does Colchicine Improve Pain in an Acute Gout Flare?” Annals Emerg Med. 2015 Sep;66(3):260-1
  21. Turner J, Ellender T, Okonkwo E, Stepsis T, Stevens A, Eddy C, Sembroski E, Perkins A, Cooper D. “Feasibility of upright patient positioning and intubation success rates at two academic emergency departments” Am J Emerg Med. 2017 Jul;35(7):986-992
  22. Litzau M, Turner J, Pettit K, Morgan Z, Cooper D. “Obtaining history with a language barrier in the emergency department: perhaps not a barrier after all” West J Emerg Med. 2018 Nov;19(6):934-937
  23. Turner J, Courtney R, Sarmiento E, Ellender T. “Frequency of safety net errors in the emergency department: Effect of patient handoffs” Am J Emerg Med. [in press; published online Feb 18, 2020]
  24. Turner J, Reid D., editors. Emergency Medicine: The Medical Student Survival Guide, 3rd Ed, EMRA. October 2015. ISBN 978-1-929854-41-7
  25. Turner J, Gabriel Gerena R. High pressure injection injury to the hand with resulting pneumomediastinum: a case report. Journal of Emergency Medicine (in press)
  26. Turner JS, Bucca AW, Propst SL, et al. Association of Checklist Use in Endotracheal Intubation With Clinically Important Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA Netw Open. 2020;3(7):e209278. Published 2020 Jul 1. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.9278
  27. Turner, J. S, Falvo, L. E, Ahmed, R. A, Ellender, T. J, Corson-Knowles, D., Bona, A. M, et al. (2020). Effect of an Aerosol Box on Intubation in Simulated Emergency Department Airways: A Randomized Crossover Study. West J Emerg Med. 2020 Sep 24;21(6):78-82. doi: 10.5811/westjem.2020.8.48901.
  28. Turner JS, Hunter BR, Haseltine ID, et al. Effect of inclined positioning on first-pass success during endotracheal intubation: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Emergency Medicine Journal. Published Online First: 07 April 2022. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2021-211968


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