1901-Kareken, David

David A. Kareken, PhD

Professor of Neurology

Professor of Clinical Psychology

Adjunct Professor of Radiology & Imaging Sciences

Division Chief

Vice Chair for Research

GH 4700
Indianapolis, IN
Link to PubMed Pubmed Logo


Dr. Kareken received his PhD in clinical psychology from Hahnemann University in Philadelphia, PA in 1992. He subsequently completed a research fellowship (T32, NIMH) in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania in neuroimaging and schizophrenia. He has been a faculty member in Neurology and Director of its neuropsychology section since 1997 and is now the department’s vice chair for research. Dr. Kareken is also the director of the Indiana Alcohol Research Center (2P60AA007611), which has been funded by NIAAA for over 35 years across three different directors. Dr. Kareken’s laboratory uses functional neuroimaging to understand the human brain’s reward system as it relates to alcohol use disorders, natural rewards (food) and other drugs of abuse. The lab’s work is targeted toward understanding the brain and genetic vulnerabilities that predispose individuals to alcoholism and obesity. His research has been funded by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) since 2000. Dr. Kareken is jointly appointed in the Departments of Psychiatry and Radiology and Imaging Sciences.

Key Publications

Amico, E., Dzemidzic, M., Oberlin, B. G., Carron, C. R., Harezlak, J., Goñi, J., & Kareken, D. A. (2020). The disengaging brain: Dynamic transitions from cognitive engagement and alcoholism risk. NeuroImage, 209, 116515.

Duong-Tran, D., Kausar, A., Amico, E., Corominas-Murtra, B., Dzemidzic, M., Kareken, D.A., Ventresca, M., & Goñi, J. (2021). A morphospace of functional configuration to assess configural breadth based on brain functional networks. Network Neuroscience. March 23.

Weafer J, Gorka SM, Dzemidzic M, Kareken DA, Luan Phan K, de Wit H. (2021).  Neural correlates of inhibitory control are associated with stimulant-like effects of alcohol.  Neuropsychopharmacology, 46(8):1442-1450.  doi: 10.1038/s41386-021-01014-5.

Oberlin, B.G., Carron C.R., Ramer, N.E., Plawecki, MH, O'Connor, S.J., & Kareken, D.A. (2021). Intoxication Effects on Impulsive Alcohol Choice in Heavy Drinkers: Correlation With Sensation Seeking and Differential Effects by Commodity. Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 45(1), 204-214.

Eiler, W.J.A., Dzemidzic, M., Soeurt, C.M., Carron, C.R., Oberlin, B.G., Considine, R.V., Harezlak, J., Kareken, D.A., 2018. Family history of alcoholism and the human brain response to oral sucrose. NeuroImage: Clinical 17, 1036-1046.

Oberlin, B.G., Dzemidzic, M., Harezlak, J., Kudela, M.A., Tran, S.M., Soeurt, C.M., Yoder, K.K., & Kareken, D.A. (2016).  Corticostriatal and dopaminergic response to beer flavor with both fMRI and [11C]raclopride PET.  Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 40, 1865-1873.

Oberlin, B.G., Dzemidzic, M., Tran, S.M., Soeurt, C.M., Albrecht, D.S., Yoder, K.K., & Kareken, D.A. (2013).  Beer Flavor Provokes Striatal Dopamine Release in Male Drinkers: Mediation by Family History of Alcoholism.  Neuropsychopharmacology, 38, 1617-1624.

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