18073-Takagi, Yuichiro

Yuichiro Takagi, PhD

Associate Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

(317) 274-2719
635 Barnhill Drive
Medical Science, Room MS4003
Indianapolis, IN 46202
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Dr. Takagi received a BS degree in Chemistry from Ibaraki University, and a MS degree in Chemistry from The University of Tokyo in Japan.  After obtaining a MS, he moved to the US, and completed with his PhD work with his thesis advisors, Drs. Joan and Ron Conaway at Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation (OMRF), Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center.  After receiving his PhD, Dr. Takagi became a postdoctoral fellow at the laboratory of Dr. Roger Kornberg (Nobel Laureate 2006) in the Department of Structural Biology at Stanford University. In Kornberg laboratory, Dr. Takagi began to investigate the structure and function of the large multi-protein complex, Mediator, aiming to understand the mechanisms of RNA polymerase II transcription regulation by Mediator in eukaryotes.  After completion of his postdoctoral fellowship (1998-2003) followed by working as a research associate (2003-2006), he became an Assistant Professor in Indiana University School of Medicine in the fall of 2006.  He was promoted to an Associate Professor with tenure in 2011-2012. 

Takagi laboratory is interested in understanding the mechanisms of assembly, structure and function of large multi-protein complexes -“molecular machines” - involved in eukaryotic gene regulation.  His lab is particularly interested in the Mediator complex in both yeast and humans. Dr. Takagi believes that development and implementation of novel technologies is the key to unlocking the mysteries of how highly complex molecular machines (e.g. Mediator) function. Therefore, the overall research goal is two-fold: (i) development of novel technologies for studying multi-protein complexes, and (ii) application of these technologies to elucidate the structure and function of the Mediator complex.  In addition, Takagi lab has developed a novel technology for producing pure preparations of difficult-to-express proteins and protein complexes, which has enabled several exciting ongoing projects with outstanding collaborators working on: plant RNA polymerases, DNA helicases, DNA repair complexes, RNA editing complex, and insulator complex.

A postdoctoral position, and a research associate (staff scientist) position, are currently available

Key Publications

For a complete list of publications, visit PubMed

Research Labs

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