16603-Singh, Pratibha

Pratibha Singh, PhD

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics

(317) 278-9944
Wells R4
Indianapolis, IN
Link to PubMed Pubmed Logo

Key Publications

Pratibha Singh, Yongxue Yao, Abigail Weliver, Hal E. Broxmeyer, Soon-Cheol Hong, Cheong-Hee Chang., Vaccinia virus infection modulates the hematopoietic cell compartments in the bone marrow. Stem Cells. 2008 Apr; 26(4):1009-16.


Jonathan Hoggatt, Pratibha Singh, Janardhan Sampath, and Louis M. Pelus, Prostaglandin E2enhances hematopoietic stem cell homing, survival, and proliferation. Blood. 2009 May 28; 113 (22):5444-55.


Pratibha Singh, Jonathan Hoggatt, Peirong Hu, Jennifer M. Speth, Seiji Fukuda, Richard M. Breyer, and Louis M. Pelus, Blockade of prostaglandin E2signaling through EP1 and EP3 receptors attenuates Flt3L-dependent dendritic cell development from hematopoietic progenitor cells. Blood. 2012 Feb 16; 119(7):1671-1682.


Pratibha Singh, Peirong Hu, Jonathan Hoggatt, Akira Moh and Louis M. Pelus,

Expansion of bone marrow neutrophils following G-CSF administration in mice results in osteolineage cell apoptosis and mobilization of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells.

Leukemia. 2012 Nov;26(11):2375-83.


Jonathan Hoggatt, Khalid S Mohammad†,Pratibha Singh†, Hoggatt AF, Chitteti BR, Speth JM, Hu P, Poteat BA, Stilger KN, Ferraro F, Silberstein L, Wong FK, Farag SS, Czader M, Milne GL, Breyer RM, Serezani CH, Scadden DT, Guise TA, Srour EF, Pelus LM., Differential stem- and Progenitor-cell trafficking by prostaglandin E2.Nature. 2013 Mar 21;495(7441):365-9. (†contributed equally).


Pratibha Singh, Louis M. Pelus. IFN-1 Bid crosstalk: foe or friend to stem cells. Stem Cell Investig. 2017 Feb 27; 4:18. doi: 10.21037/sci.2017.02.06. eCollection 2017.


Pratibha Singh, Jonathan Hoggatt, Malgorzata M. Kamocka, Khalid S. Mohammad, Mary R. Saunders, Hongge Li, Jennifer Speth, Nadia Carlesso, Theresa A Guise and Louis M. Pelus. Neuropeptide Y regulates a vascular gateway for hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. J Clin Invest.2017;127(12):4527-4540.


Jonathan Hoggatt, Pratibha Singh, Tiffany A. Tate, Bin-Kaun Chou, Shruti R. Datari, Seiji Fukuda, Liqiong Liu, Peter V. Kharchenko, Amir Schajnovitz, Ninib Baryawno, Francois E. Mercier, Joseph Boyer, Jason Gardner, Dwight M. Marrow, David T. Scadden. Rapid Mobilization Reveals a Highly Engraftable Hematopoietic Stem Cell. Cell. 2018 Jan 11;172(1-2):191-204.


Pratibha Singh, Seiji Fukuda, Liqiong Liu, Brahmananda Reddy Chitteti, Louis M. Pelus. Survivin Is Required for Mouse and Human Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Function. Stem Cells. 2018 Jan;36(1):123-129.


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