15408-Conway, Simon

Simon J. Conway, PhD

Professor of Pediatrics

Adjunct Professor of Anatomy, Cell Biology & Physiology

Adjunct Professor of Medical & Molecular Genetics

Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Member of IU Simon Cancer Center

(317) 278-8780
R4 W402F
Indianapolis, IN
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Simon J. Conway, PhD is a Professor of Pediatrics, holds secondary appointments in Departments of Anatomy & Cell Biology, Medical & Molecular Genetics, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, is a member of the IU Simon Cancer Center and has been elected a Fellow of the American Heart Association. He is a geneticist and developmental biologist who uses transgenic mouse models to understand congenital and acquired birth defects and ameliorate cardiopulmonary neonatal and postnatal responses to heart and lung injury.  His research has been continually funded via NIH and is internationally acclaimed.

Key Publications

Stalmans I, Lambrechts D, Desmet F, Jansen S, Wang J, Maity S, Kneer PL, von der Ohe M,  Swillen A, Maes C, Gewillig M, Molin D, Hellings P, Boetel T, Haardt M, Compernolle V, Dewerchin M, Vlietinck R, Emanuel B, Gittenberger-de Groot AC, Esguerra C, Scambler P, Morrow B, Drisco, D, Moons L, Carmeliet G, Behn-Krappa A, Devriendt K, Collen D, Conway SJ* and Carmeliet P.* (2003). VEGF: a modifier of the del22q11 (DiGeorge) syndrome?   Nature Medicine, 9: 173-182.  [* joint corresponding authors]

Snider P, Hinton R, Moreno-Rodriguez, R, Wang J, Rogers R, Lindsley A, Li F, Ingram D, Menick D, Field LJ, Firulli AB, Molkentin JD, Markwald R and Conway SJ. (2008) Periostin is required for maturation and ECM stabilization of the cardiac skeleton.  Circ Res. 102:752-60.

Lepper C, Conway SJ, and Fan CM. (2009) Adult satellite cells and embryonic muscle progenitors have distinct genetic requirements.  Nature, 460:627-31.   

Snider P, Standley KN, Wang J, Azhar M, Doetschman T and Conway SJ. (2009) Origin of Cardiac Fibroblasts and the Role of Periostin.  Circ Res. 105:934-47.

Takeda N, Manabe I, Uchino Y, Shindo T, Sano M, Otsu K, Snider P, Conway SJ and Nagai R. (2009). Cardiac fibroblasts are essential for the adaptive response of the heart to pressure overload.  J Clin Invest. 120:254-65.

Olaopa M, Zhou HM, Snider P, Wang J, Schwartz, RJ, Moon A and Conway SJ. (2011) Pax3 is essential for normal cardiac neural crest morphogenesis but is not required during migration nor outflow tract septation.  Dev Biol. 356(2):308-22.

Qian L, Huang Y, Spencer I, Foley A, Vedantham V, Liu L, Conway SJ, Fu J and Srivastava D. (2012). In vivo reprogramming of murine cardiac fibroblasts into induced cardiomyocytes. Nature, 485(7400):593-8.

Lajiness J, Snider P, Wang J, Feng GS, Krenz M and Conway SJ. (2014). SHP-2 deletion in post-migratory neural crest cells results in impaired cardiac sympathetic innervation.  Proc Natl Acad Sci USA., 111:E1374-82.  

Simmons O, Snider P, Wang J, Schwartz RJ, Chen YP and Conway SJ. (2015). Persistent Noggin arrests cardiomyocyte morphogenesis and results in early in utero lethality.  Dev. Dyn. 244(3):457-67.

Ahlfeld SK, Wang J, Gao Y, Snider P and Conway SJ. (2016). Initial TGFβ signaling suppression and loss of TGFBI causes early alveolar structural defects resulting in bronchopulmonary dysplasia.  Am J Pathol. 186(4):777-93.

Zhou HM and Conway SJ. (2016). Restricted Pax3 deletion in the neural tube results in congenital hydrocephalus.  J. Dev. Biol. 4(1), 7; doi:10.3390/jdb4010007   

Poulsen ET, Runager K, Nielsen N, Thomsen K, Snider P, Simmons O, Vorum H, Conway SJ* and Enghild JL*. (2017). Proteomic profiling of Tgfbi-null mouse corneas reveals only minor changes in matrix composition supportive of TGFBI knockdown as therapy against TGFBI-linked corneal dystrophies.  FEBS, 285:101-114 [* joint corresponding authors] 

de Lageneste O, Julien A, Abou-Khalil R, Frangi G, Carvalho C, Cagnard N, Cordier C, Conway SJ and Colnot C. (2018). Periosteum contains skeletal stem cells with high bone regenerative potential controlled by Periostin.  Nat Comm. 9(1):773.

Research Labs

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