15037-Klemsz, Michael

Michael J. Klemsz, PhD

Associate Professor of Microbiology & Immunology

Statewide Course Director-Host Defense

(317) 274-8298
MS 420
635 Barnhill Drive
Indianapolis, IN
Link to PubMed Pubmed Logo

Key Publications

Klemsz, M.J., McKercher, S.R., Celada, A., Van Beveren, C. and Maki, R.A. (1990) The macrophage and B cell specific transcription factor PU.1 is related to the ets oncogene. Cell 61:113-124.

Hromas, R. and Klemsz, M. (1994) The ETS oncogene family in development, proliferation and neoplasia. Int. J. Hemat. 59:257-265.

Cramer, L.A., Nelson, S.L. and Klemsz, M.J. (2000) Synergistic induction of the Tap-1 gene by IFN-g and LPS in macrophages is regulated by STAT 1. J. Immunol. 165:3190-3197.

Laribee, R.N. and Klemsz, M.J. (2001) Loss of PU.1 expression following inhibition of histone deacetylases. J. Immunol, 167:5160-5166.

Cecil, A.A. and Klemsz, M.J.  (2004) p38 activation through Toll receptors modulates IFN-g induced expression of the Tap-1 gene only in macrophages. J. Leukoc. Biol. 75:560-568.

Laribee, R.N. and Klemsz, M.J. (2005) Histone H4 HDAC activity is necessary for expression of the PU.1 gene. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. 1730:226-234.

Chang, H-C., Zhang, S., Thieu, V.T., Slee, R.B., Bruns, H.A., Laribee, R.N., Klemsz, M.J. and Kaplan, M.H. (2005) PU.1 expression delineates heterogeneity in primary Th2 cells. Immunity 22:1-11.

Wilkes, D.S., Chew, T., Flaherty, K.R., Frye, S., Gibson, K.F., Kaminski, N., Klemsz, M.J., Lange, W., Noth, I., and Rothhaar, K. (2015) Oral Immunotherapy with Type V Collagen in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. Eur. Respir. J. 45:1393-1402. 


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