14500-Edwards, Mark

Mark L. Edwards, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics

(317) 962-6036
699 Riley Hospital Drive
RR 208
Indianapolis, IN 46202
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Dr. Mark Edwards is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics within the Section of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine at Indiana University School of Medicine.  Initially a general pediatrician in Wisconsin for nine years, Dr. Edwards entered the Neonatal Fellowship Program with Riley in 2002. He is the former medical director of the IUH North NICU and currently a staff neonatologist at IUH North, a level 3 NICU. Dr. Edwards has a rich family life, and a wide range of interests including outdoor activities including rock climbing and bicycling, cooking, and ongoing Spanish language immersion.

Key Publications

1. Smith, D., G. Harding, J. Chan, M. Edwards, J. Hank, D. Muller and F. Sobhi.  Potency of 10  BCG vaccines as evaluated by their influence on the bacillemic phase of experimental airborne tuberculosis in guinea pigs. J.Biol. Stand., 7:179-197, 1979.

2. Hank, J., J. Chan, M. Edwards, D. Muller and D. Smith.  Influence of the virulence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis on protection induced by bacille Calmette-Guerin in guinea pigs.
J. Inf. Dis., 143:734-738, 1981.

3. Edwards, M., D. Muller and D. Smith. Influence of vaccination-challenge interval on the protective efficacy of bacille Calmette-Guerin against low virulence Mycobacterium tuberculosis .
J. Inf. Dis., 143:739-741, 1981.

4. Edwards, M., J. Goodrich, D. Muller, A. Pollack, J. Ziegler and D. Smith. Infection with  Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare and the protective effects of bacille Calmette-Guerin. J. Inf. Dis., 145:733-741, 1982.

5. Muller, D., M. Edwards and D. Smith.  Changes in iron, transferrin and body temperature in experimental airborne legionellosis. J. Inf. Dis., 147:302-307, 1983.

6. Edwards, M., R. McDade, G. Schoolnik, J. Rothbard and E. Gotschlich. Antigenic analysis of gonococcal pili using monoclonal antibodies. J. Exp. Med., 160:1782-1791, 1984.

7. Smith, D., A. Ladefoged, P. Resser and M. Edwards.  Does trypsin extract soluble antigen meet the criteria of immunogenicity without allergenicity? Tubercle  65:105-110, 1984.

8. Ziegler, J., M. Edwards and D. Smith. Exogenous reinfection in experimental airborne tuberculosis. Tubercle  66:121-128, 1985.

9. Falkowski, W., M. Edwards and A. Schaeffer.  Inhibitory effects of substituted aromatic hydrocarbons on adherence of Escherichia coli to human vaginal epithelial cells.  Inf. & Imm.  52:863-866, 1986.

10. Prabhakar, R., P. Venkataraman, R. Vallishayee, P. Resser, S. Musa, R. Hashim, Y. Kim, C. Dimmer, E. Wiegeshaus, M. Edwards and D. Smith. Virulence for guinea pigs of tubercle bacilli isolated from the sputum of participants in the BCG trial, Chingleput district, south India. Tubercle 68:3-17, 1987.

11. Edwards M, Yoder MC. Hematologic disorders, in Hertz DA (ed): Care of the Newborn. Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 197-206, 2005



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