14473-Gebke, Kevin

Kevin B. Gebke, MD

Interim Executive Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs

Associate Professor of Clinical Family Medicine

Senior Vice President of Community Medicine for IU Health

FS 6207
Indianapolis, IN
Link to PubMed Pubmed Logo


Dr. Kevin Gebke is the Senior Vice President of Community Medicine for IU Health. He previously served as Chair of the Department of Family Medicine for Indiana University School of Medicine and was elected by his colleagues to represent the Council of Clinical Chairs as President. He has been awarded numerous teaching and leadership accolades over the course of his career. He has been active within the organization serving on countless committees and providing oversight for ongoing clinical improvement and curriculum development. Dr. Gebke is currently a member of the IU Health South Central Region Board of Directors and the Board of IU Medical Group Foundation. Dr. Gebke led strategic redeployment of physicians across the IU Health enterprise throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. LEAN process improvement and combatting physician burnout are two areas of focus for Dr. Gebke and the healthcare system as a whole. Service to the school, the healthcare system, and to patients continues to be the motivating force that drives him.

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