13615-Kronenberger, William

William G. Kronenberger, PhD

Arthur B. Richter Professor of Child Psychiatry

Professor of Psychiatry

Adjunct Professor of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery

Director of Division of Psychology

Pediatric Care Center (PCC Building)
1002 Wishard Blvd., Suite 4110
Indianapolis, IN
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William G. Kronenberger, PhD, is the Arthur B. Richter Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and the Director of the Division of Psychology in the Department of Psychiatry at Indiana University School of Medicine. He serves as Chief of the Pediatric Psychology Testing Clinic and as the pediatric psychologist in the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Clinic at Riley Hospital for Children. Dr. Kronenberger received his BS in Psychology from Xavier University. He received his MA and PhD in Clinical Psychology (specializing in Pediatric Psychology) from Duke University, where he was a James B. Duke Fellow and Norman Guttman Named Instructor. He completed his internship at IU School of Medicine, where he served as Chief Psychology Intern. He joined the faculty at IU School of Medicine in 1993.

Dr. Kronenberger has received the Trustees’ Teaching Award from Indiana University, the Residents’ Award for Teaching Excellence from the IU School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry, and the McAdoo Teaching Achievement Award from the IU School of Medicine Psychology Internship Program. He was awarded the James D. Linden Community Service Award from the Indiana Psychological Association and has been a featured author for the Behavioral Science Book Service for his book “The Child Clinician’s Handbook.”

Dr. Kronenberger’s areas of clinical focus are psychological testing, parent management training, and interventions to improve executive functioning. He applies these evaluation and treatment modalities to diagnoses including ADHD, Learning Disorders, and the effects of childhood medical conditions on executive functioning, learning, and behavioral-emotional adjustment. Dr. Kronenberger’s research addresses psychological, biological, and environmental influences on the development of executive functioning, memory and learning. He is an author on more than 100 journal articles and book chapters as well as several tests that are used nationally and internationally, including the Learning, Executive, and Attention Functioning scale (LEAF), Conduct-Hyperactivity-Attention-Oppositional Behavior Scale (CHAOS), the Pediatric Inpatient Behavior Scale (PIBS), and the Outburst Monitoring Scale (OMS). He has been a principal investigator or co-investigator on several NIH-funded projects addressing executive functioning and spoken language development in children with hearing loss and cochlear implants or hearing aids. Dr. Kronenberger serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Attention Disorders.

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