12283-Eikenberry, Jennifer

Jennifer L. Eikenberry, MD

Associate Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology

(317) 944-2020
Glick Eye Institute
1160 W. Michigan St.
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Link to PubMed Pubmed Logo


Jennifer Eikenberry, MD, is an associate professor of clinical ophthalmology for Indiana University School of Medicine. 

She specializes in cataract surgery and the medical management of glaucoma and diabetic eye disease. She has participated in several research studies regarding the treatment of glaucoma and ocular side effects of systemic medications.

A native of Evansville, Indiana, Eikenberry has always been a loyal Hoosier.  

She attended Indiana University—Bloomington for her undergraduate education and IU School of Medicine for her medical degree and residency. As an intern, she worked at IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital in Muncie. She accepted a job with IU School of Medicine as soon as her training was complete.

Teaching is near and dear to her heart because both of her parents were public school teachers. Now, she takes pride in helping teach Indiana’s next generation of doctors.

She hopes the physicians she trains are inspired to be advocates for their patients and move forward in their careers with the same passion and curiosity that first drew them to medicine. 

Key Publications

Siesky B, Harris A, Brizendine E, Marques C, Loh J, Mackey J, Overton J, Netland P. “Literature Review and Meta-Analysis of Topical Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors and Ocular Blood Flow.” SurvOphthalmol. 2009 Jan-Feb; 54(1):33-46. (maiden name J. Overton)


Haider KM, Plager DA, Neely DE, Eikenberry J, Haggstrom A. “Outpatient Treatment of Periocular Infantile Hemangiomas with Propranolol.” J AAPOS. 2010 Jun; 14(3):199-200.

Kaskan B, Ramezani K, Harris A, Siesky B, Olinde C, WuDunn D,Eikenberry J, Tobe LA, Racette L. “Differences in Ocular Blood Flow Between People of African and European Descent With Healthy Eyes.” J Glaucoma. 2016; 25(9):709-715. doi:10.1097/IJG.0000000000000509.

Ramezani K, Harris A, Siesky B, Olinde C, Wudunn D, Eikenberry J, Chu F, Tobe L, Kaskan B, Racette L. “Racial Differences in the Correlations Between Structural Parameters and Ocular Blood Flow in Healthy Eyes.” Journal for Modeling in Ophthalmology. 2018; 1:29-41.

Wurster P, Harris A, Gonzalez AC, Adjei S, Verticchio Vercellin A, Mathew S, Lang M, Eikenberry J, Siesky B. Risk Factors for Open-angle Glaucoma in Persons of Latin American Descent. J Glaucoma. 2020; 29(3):217-225. doi:10.1097/IJG.0000000000001429.


Price DA, Grzybowski A, Eikenberry J, Januleviciene I, Verticchio Vercellin AC, Mathew S, Siesky B, Harris A. Review of Non-invasive Intracranial Pressure Measurement Techniques for Ophthalmology Applications. Br J Ophthalmol. 2020; 104(7):887-892. doi:10.1136/bjophthalmol-2019-314704.


Eikenberry J, Harris A, Torabi R, Lang M, Denney D, Verticchio Vercellin A, Siesky B. Ocular Side Effects of Target Therapy and Immunotherapy in Patients with Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma [published online ahead of print, 2020 May 31]. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2020;1120672120930688.


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