10779-Koch, Steven

Steven M. Koch, PhD

Associate Professor Emeritus of Clinical Pediatrics

1002 Wishard Blvd, Suite 3120

Indianapolis, IN 46202
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Dr. Koch is an associate professor of clinical pediatrics for the IU School of Medicine, and is a staff psychologist and Research and Evaluation Director for the Riley Child Development Center, located in the Riley Hospital for Children at IU Health. He is a translational scholar at IUPUI, and has taught various courses at IU Bloomington, IUPUI, and the University of Indianapolis. Dr. Koch currently serves as an adjunct faculty at the University of Indianapolis, where he teaches courses in the doctoral psychology program on psychological assessment and program evaluation. He is serves as an external evaluator for the IARCA Outcome Measures Project, a longitudinal study assessing outcomes for youth in alternative care (e.g., foster care, residential care) programs.

Dr. Koch completed his doctoral degree in school psychology, with a minor concentration in research and evaluation. Licensed as a psychologist in the state of Indiana and Nebraska, Dr. Koch has been involved in individual- and program evaluation activities. He has written numerous articles, evaluation reports, and data analyses briefs related to children in residential and foster care, child advocacy, and youth with neurodevelopmental disorders. Dr. Koch previously served on the board of the Indiana Association of School Psychologists and the Association of University Centers on Disability.

Key Publications

Koch, S.M., & Wall, J.R. (2017). The IARCA outcome measures project: Report for calendar year 2015. Indianapolis, IN: IARCA.

Graham, C., Alexander, G., Koch, S.M., & Wall, J.R. (2015). The IARCA Outcome Measures Project: Responding to the needs of Indiana’s children and families. Children’s Voice, 24(1), 26-29.

Cederna-Meko, C., Koch, S.M., & Wall, J.R. (2014). Youth with oppositional defiant disorder at entry into home-based treatment, foster care, and residential treatment. Journal of Child & Family Studies, 23, 895-906. doi: 10.1007/s10826-013-9745-y


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