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Cheryl Avery, fellowship coordinator, retires after 22 years at IU School of Medicine

Cheryl Avery poses for her photo while leaning back against railing inside of a skywalk.

Cheryl Avery, OB-GYN fellowship coordinator, has witnessed countless changes during her 22 years at IU School of Medicine. Some of these changes included an emphasis on employee, physician and learner wellness, including the introduction of HealthyIU. Other changes have included the development of the academic health center and relocations to different buildings and offices. And, of course, there were many changes caused by COVID.  

"It's been a huge change to Zoom and Teams since COVID. Virtual interviews, virtual meetings," Avery says, laughing.   

Whereas others might reflect on this change negatively, Avery thinks of it fondly. She understands how critical this change has been for fellows. "It's made a huge difference, going on Zoom, and it's huge, saving our candidates money because they don't have to travel, they don't have to pay for overnights."   

Learners—specifically fellows—are at the heart of Avery’s work.  

Avery joined the IU School of Medicine team as an outreach coordinator for the Department of Radiology in 2002. After 12 years in that department, she joined the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology as an administrative assistant in 2014. She then became the Maternal-Fetal Medicine fellowship coordinator before becoming the sole fellowship coordinator for the department.  

Avery has been a critical member of the OB-GYN education team for more than a decade. She has mentored new coordinators, assisted administrative assistants and contributed to the education of hundreds of fellows and residents. Now, with 22 years of service at IU School of Medicine, she's retiring.  

"I appreciate the OB-GYN family. I think they're awesome," Avery says. "They were very understanding when I needed time off for family emergencies, and that means a lot."  

As much as she has loved the OB-GYN faculty and staff, her favorite memories come from the fellows.  

"I'm not a teacher. I don't help them with their procedures," Avery notes. "But I feel like I had a little part in their education. Having the fellows graduate and knowing they're going on to what their dream is, of being a specialist in whichever field—I had a part in that."  


A growing department   

Another change Avery has witnessed is the immense growth for the department and school. "When I started with the MFM fellowship, we had four faculty members. Now, we have 12."   

While this growth has indicated success for the department, Avery notes how essential it's been for Indiana communities. "There's more coverage now throughout the city. Our OB-GYNs can cover more areas up north and near Bloomington," she shared.   

Since she began, the department has also established a combined Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery fellowship with the Department of Urology. Additionally, the department is working on opening a Gynecologic Oncology fellowship. Avery is confident that the skills and lessons learned by the department from other fellowship programs will help make new ones even more successful.  

Departmental culture changes accompanied the growth Avery has witnessed. When she joined in 2014, it was common for staff and faculty to interact rarely. "Now, we know more of the team, whether it's the department chair, down to the staff, faculty, fellows, everybody. It's not like there are tiers that people stay in," she shares. "I can pass them in the hall, like, 'Hey, they knew who I was! They knew my name.' We all know each other."  


Looking forward to retirement  

After 22 years at IU School of Medicine and a decade in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Avery is eager to enjoy her retirement.  

"I have a lot of home projects that I'd like to work on," she says, laughing. "I have a quilt that I've started. I haven't touched it for about two years, so I'd like to finish that!"  

She's also excited about traveling again with her husband. They have a trip planned to Curaçao this winter, and Avery wants to revisit some previous destinations—Colorado, Utah, Poland—in her newfound free time. She appreciates getting to see historic sites to better understand complex events. 

But what is she most looking forward to? "Spending more time with my two grandchildren. I want to have more family time."  

The OB-GYN family appreciates Avery's decade of dedication to the team. Check out the kind words some of our faculty, staff and fellows wanted to share.